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v0.0.20 - 2024-04-03

  • Quickly switch to any team, project or asset by searching
  • Search activated by pressing ’/’ key
  • You can use [Tab] key to navigate the search results
Aliada Create Search

NEW: Asset Photo

  • You can now set a Photo for your Asset

NEW: Asset Storage Activity

  • We’ve introduced an Asset Storage Activity that displays storage details for an Asset

NEW: Asset History Activity

  • We’ve introduced an Asset History Activity that displays all notifications related to the asset

NEW: Last 10 Assets on Dashboard

  • The Dashboard now displays the most recent 10 assets you’ve interacted with for easy access

UPDATED: Team/Project/Asset Menu Improvements

  • We’ve aimed to make the process of switching between or creating teams, projects, and assets more intuitive

UPDATED: Description Edit Button on Player

  • Implemented an edit button for Asset/Version descriptions, allowing for swift updates

UPDATED: Invites Show Who Wrote Message/Sent Invite

  • Share and Team invites now show the name of the user who sent/wrote the invite message
  • UI updates made to the Player have also been done to the Share Link page (which is the Player for non-logged in users)
  • Asset/Version description no longer shown to non-logged in users
  • Updated CTA for non-logged in users


  • many UI tweaks for a better user experience
  • went OCD and sanitized all the mic windscreens