What is Markdown?
Markdown is a simple way to format text using symbols, making it easy to add emphasis, headers, lists, and more without fuss.
You can make text bold by wrapping it between **[text]**
Rush is a **well known** Canadian band.
Will show up as:
Rush is a well known Canadian band.
You can make text italic by wrapping it between _[text]_
Rush is a _well known_ Canadian band.
Will show up as:
Rush is a well known Canadian band.
Strike through
You can strike through text by wrapping it between ~~[text]~~
Rush is a ~~not~~ well known Canadian band.
Will show up as:
Rush is a not well known Canadian band.
Block quote
You can block quote text by starting a line with a >
> Rush is a well known Canadian band.
Will show up as:
Rush is a well known Canadian band.
You can create a title by starting a line with a #. The more # you add, the smaller the title will be.
# Rush is a well known Canadian band## Rush is a well known Canadian band#### Rush is a well known Canadian band##### Rush is a well known Canadian band###### Rush is a well known Canadian band
Will show up as:
Rush is a well known Canadian band
Rush is a well known Canadian band
Rush is a well known Canadian band
Rush is a well known Canadian band
Rush is a well known Canadian band
Creating a list
To create a list, each item should be on its own line and start with -
The Canadian band Rush consists of
- Geddy- Alex- Neil
Will show up as:
The Canadian band Rush consists of
- Geddy
- Alex
- Neil
Creating a numbered list
To create a numbered list, start each line with a 1. You can increment the number, but this isn’t necessary.
The Canadian band Rush consists of
1. Geddy1. Alex1. Neil
Will show up as:
The Canadian band Rush consists of
- Geddy
- Alex
- Neil
To create a link, put the name of the link between [] and the URL between (). Here is an example:
Links: [The Canadian band Rush](
becomes The Canadian band Rush
To link to an image, you can do the same as creating a link. Put the title between [] and the URL between (). Additionally, add a ! before the opening [.
Here is an image of the band Rush:

Here is an image of the band Rush:
Blocks can be highlighted by wrapping the text between ```.
```We are secrets to each otherEach one's life a novelNo-one else has read```
Will show up as:
We are secrets to each otherEach one's life a novelNo-one else has read
Inline Blocks
To create a block in the middle of a sentence wrap the text between `.
We are `secrets` to each `other`
Will show up as:
We are secrets
to each other
The way line breaks work in Markdown is different than you expect. But there is a reason!
The Canadian rock band _Rush_ is **SOOOO** cool -I love them so much!
Will show up as:
The Canadian rock band Rush is SOOOO cool - I love them so much!
Example 1
Thoughts on song as it is now
- Bass line needs more
movementbounce - Should background vocals be double tracked or emulated?
- Guitars can be louder amiright?!?
- Emphasize word “love” in verse 2
- Acoustic coming into bridge is distracting
Written out as
#### Thoughts on song as it is now1. Bass line needs more ~movement~ bounce1. Should background vocals be double tracked or emulated?1. Guitars can be louder amiright?!?1. Emphasize word _"love"_ in verse 21. Acoustic coming into bridge is **distracting**
Basic Text Formatting
Element | Syntax | Example |
Bold | **text** | bold text |
Italic | *text* or _text_ | italic text |
Strikethrough | ~~text~~ | |
Inline code | `code` | inline code |
Use #
for headers. More #
symbols create smaller headers: