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v0.0.22 - 2024-04-26

NEW: Scrolling of Waveform

  • For mobile browsers we now scroll the waveform

NEW: Recent Assets on Dashboard

  • We now show Recent Assets accessed on the Dashboard for easy access

NEW: User Role

  • Comments now display the role of the commenting user

NEW: User Presence

  • If a user is logged in and active we show a green presence indicator

NEW: Move Asset to another Project

  • You can now move an Asset to another Project from Asset Settings

NEW: Delete Asset

  • You can now delete an Asset from Asset Settings

NEW: Indicator for Owned Teams/Projects/Assets vs non-Owned

  • We show a lock icon for Teams/Project/Assets owned by someone else

UPDATED: Shared Email Notifications shows name of User Inviting

  • Aliada Create shared email notifications are now personalized and include your name

UPDATED: New Attachment/Asset/Version Email Notification now shows Description, if it has one

  • Email notifications for new attachments/assets/versions will include the description, if it has one, to make it easier to follow progress

UPDATED: Max Sharing Expiry is now 4 weeks

  • During Beta we will only allow sharing for up to 4 weeks in the future

UPDATED: Shared By

  • Shares created show who Shares were created by

UPDATED: Notify of Comments

  • We noticed a few gaps in our email notifications which we have plugged


  • Editing a comment no longer triggers a notification
  • Added Asset Version # to notifications, if available
  • Dashboard performance much better especially on mobile browsers
  • Player Spans no longer as visible through the dropdown menus
  • Aliada Create now has a custom unfurl image used when sharing
  • We no longer send weekly summary if no updates
  • Fixed search not working as expected for Firefox users
  • Shares that point to Archived or Deleted Assets will now politely error
  • Shared Assets now show Asset Photo instead of Project Photo
  • many small fixes to better support mobile devices
  • went OCD and sanitized all the mic windscreens