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v0.0.23 - 2024-05-29

NEW: Todo 1.0

  • Each Asset can now have a Todo so you can keep track of efforts needed to finish your music
  • Todos are shown on a “Kanban” board (which is like post-it-notes on a board)
  • There are three lanes on the Kanban board: Todo, In Progress, and Complete
  • Todos can be assigned to anyone on your Team
  • You can set Start and Due dates for Todos
  • Email notifications enabled for Todos created, assigned and reminders of Todos due

NEW: Expiring Shares Notification

  • You will now be notified when shares you have created are expiring 3 days before via email

NEW: Peak Normalization now enabled by default

  • Now by default Assets or Versions that you upload will be peak normalized with a true peak of -1db
  • This can be disabled by unchecking “Save a normalized version of your audio?” when uploading

NEW: Owner Verification for assets/projects moved out of someone else’s Team

  • If you attempt to move an Asset or Project out of a Team that is not yours, the owner of that Team will be notified for confirmation before the move occurs


  • tons of bug fixes and little Quality of Life improvements
  • tons of internal updates for upcoming new features
  • fixed moving projects from one team to another
  • fixed search bar positioning across all devices
  • fixed span editor not appearing
  • updated how notifications were implemented
  • went OCD and sanitized all the mic windscreens