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Introduction to Comments


In the spirit of collaboration Aliada Create supports comments, replies, emojis reactions to an Asset Version.

Access Levels

There are distinct levels of visibility and interaction privileges based on user roles.

Team Members enjoy comprehensive interaction capabilities. This includes the ability to comment, reply, and view all comments and replies within the Asset. This level of access promotes a collaborative and inclusive workspace for those directly involved on the Asset.

On the other hand, Invited Guests and Public Guests have more restricted interaction privileges.

Invited Guests are individuals who have been specifically granted access to the asset by a Team Administrator through the Shares Activity feature. While they can engage by commenting, their visibility is limited; they cannot see other comments except for replies directly addressed to them by Team Members. This ensures a controlled environment where feedback or input is managed and directed appropriately.

Public Guests are individuals who access the asset through a Public Shared URL, also generated via the Shares Activity. Similar to Invited Guests, their visibility is limited to replies from Team Members to their own comments. This tier allows for a broader interaction with the public or external stakeholders while maintaining control over the conversation and the information that is visible to non-team members.