The Contribution Heatmap on Aliada Create shows a colorful view of your daily activity for the last 300 days. This helps you see how much you are engaging and contributing to the platform.
Contribution Actions and Points
Every action you take in Aliada Create is given a point value. This value shows how important the action is to the community. Hereβs how different actions are scored:
Points | Actions |
1 Point | Logging into Aliada Create |
1 Point | Adding a Reaction to an Asset (e.g., π, π): Express your sentiment towards an asset |
2 Points | Adding a Comment or Reply on an Asset: Engaging with content through comments or replies |
10 Points | Uploading a New Version of an Existing Asset: Continuous improvement is essential |
10 Points | Uploading an Attachment to an Asset |
15 Points | Uploading a New Asset |
Calculation of Contribution Score
Your daily contribution score is the total points from all the actions you do in one day. This score affects how dark or light the color on your heatmap is. A darker color means you were more active that day.
Understanding Your Heatmap
The colors on the heatmap help you quickly see how much you have contributed over time. Darker colors show higher activity, while lighter colors mean less engagement. You can use this tool to spot trends in your contributions and find ways to get more involved.
By tracking your contributions with the heatmap, you can see how you are engaging with the community. It also encourages you to keep participating. When you contribute to Aliada Create, you help make the experience better for yourself and others!