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What is Markdown?

Markdown is a simple way to format text using symbols, making it easy to add emphasis, headers, lists, and more without fuss.


You can make text bold by wrapping it between **[text]**.

Rush is a **well known** Canadian band.

Will show up as:

Rush is a well known Canadian band.


You can make text italic by wrapping it between _[text]_.

Rush is a _well known_ Canadian band.

Will show up as:

Rush is a well known Canadian band.

Strike through

You can strike through text by wrapping it between ~~[text]~~.

Rush is a ~~not~~ well known Canadian band.

Will show up as:

Rush is a not well known Canadian band.

Block quote

You can block quote text by starting a line with a >.

> Rush is a well known Canadian band.

Will show up as:

Rush is a well known Canadian band.


You can create a title by starting a line with a #. The more # you add, the smaller the title will be.

# Rush is a well known Canadian band
## Rush is a well known Canadian band
#### Rush is a well known Canadian band
##### Rush is a well known Canadian band
###### Rush is a well known Canadian band

Will show up as:

Rush is a well known Canadian band

Rush is a well known Canadian band

Rush is a well known Canadian band

Rush is a well known Canadian band
Rush is a well known Canadian band

Creating a list

To create a list, each item should be on its own line and start with -

The Canadian band Rush consists of
- Geddy
- Alex
- Neil

Will show up as:

The Canadian band Rush consists of

  • Geddy
  • Alex
  • Neil

Creating a numbered list

To create a numbered list, start each line with a 1. You can increment the number, but this isn’t necessary.

The Canadian band Rush consists of
1. Geddy
1. Alex
1. Neil

Will show up as:

The Canadian band Rush consists of

  1. Geddy
  2. Alex
  3. Neil

To create a link, put the name of the link between [] and the URL between (). Here is an example:

Links: [The Canadian band Rush]( becomes The Canadian band Rush


To link to an image, you can do the same as creating a link. Put the title between [] and the URL between (). Additionally, add a ! before the opening [.

Here is an image of the band Rush:

Here is an image of the band Rush:



Blocks can be highlighted by wrapping the text between ```.

We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No-one else has read

Will show up as:

We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No-one else has read

Inline Blocks

To create a block in the middle of a sentence wrap the text between `.

We are `secrets` to each `other`

Will show up as:

We are secrets to each other


The way line breaks work in Markdown is different than you expect. But there is a reason!

The Canadian rock band _Rush_ is **SOOOO** cool -
I love them so much!

Will show up as:

The Canadian rock band Rush is SOOOO cool - I love them so much!


Example 1

Thoughts on song as it is now
  1. Bass line needs more movement bounce
  2. Should background vocals be double tracked or emulated?
  3. Guitars can be louder amiright?!?
  4. Emphasize word “love” in verse 2
  5. Acoustic coming into bridge is distracting
Written out as
#### Thoughts on song as it is now
1. Bass line needs more ~movement~ bounce
1. Should background vocals be double tracked or emulated?
1. Guitars can be louder amiright?!?
1. Emphasize word _"love"_ in verse 2
1. Acoustic coming into bridge is **distracting**